How to Use Email Marketing with WooCommerce: A Comprehensive Guide

Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to engage with your customers, drive sales, and build long-term relationships. If you run a WooCommerce shop, integrating email marketing into your strategy can significantly enhance your business performance. In this guide, we’ll explore how to use email marketing with WooCommerce to achieve your business goals.

Why Email Marketing?

  1. Direct Communication: Reach your customers directly in their inboxes with personalized messages.
  2. Cost-Effective: Email marketing offers a high return on investment compared to other marketing channels.
  3. Segmentation and Personalization: Tailor your messages based on customer behavior and preferences.
  4. Boost Sales: Drive repeat purchases, promote new products, and recover abandoned carts.

Getting Started with Email Marketing for WooCommerce

1. Choose an Email Marketing Service

Select an email marketing service that integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce. Here are some popular options:

  • Mailchimp: Offers robust features and a free plan suitable for small businesses.
  • Klaviyo: Known for its powerful segmentation and automation capabilities.
  • Constant Contact: Provides an easy-to-use interface and excellent customer support.
  • Sendinblue: Combines email marketing with SMS marketing and CRM tools.

2. Integrate Your Email Marketing Service with WooCommerce

Most email marketing services offer plugins or integrations to connect with WooCommerce. Follow these general steps:

  1. Install the Plugin: Go to Plugins in your WordPress dashboard, click Add New, and search for your chosen email marketing service plugin (e.g., Mailchimp for WooCommerce).
  2. Activate the Plugin: After installation, activate the plugin.
  3. Connect Your Account: Follow the plugin’s setup wizard to connect your email marketing account to WooCommerce.

3. Build Your Email List

To maximize the effectiveness of your email marketing, you need a healthy and growing email list:

  1. Add Signup Forms: Place signup forms on your website, including on your homepage, blog, and checkout page.
  2. Offer Incentives: Encourage signups by offering discounts, freebies, or exclusive content.
  3. Utilize Pop-Ups: Use exit-intent pop-ups to capture emails before visitors leave your site.
  4. Collect Emails at Checkout: Ensure you’re collecting email addresses during the checkout process.

4. Segment Your Audience

Segmentation allows you to send targeted emails to different groups within your audience, increasing engagement and conversion rates. Some common segmentation strategies include:

  1. Purchase History: Segment customers based on their past purchases.
  2. Browsing Behavior: Target customers who have viewed specific products or categories.
  3. Customer Loyalty: Create segments for repeat customers or those with high lifetime value.
  4. Geographic Location: Tailor your messages based on the recipient’s location.

5. Create Engaging Email Campaigns

Design and send email campaigns that resonate with your audience. Here are some key types of emails to consider:

  1. Welcome Series: Introduce new subscribers to your brand and products.
  2. Product Promotions: Highlight new arrivals, bestsellers, and special offers.
  3. Abandoned Cart Emails: Recover lost sales by reminding customers of items left in their carts.
  4. Order Confirmations and Shipping Updates: Keep customers informed about their purchases.
  5. Re-engagement Campaigns: Win back inactive customers with special offers or updates.

6. Automate Your Email Marketing

Automation saves time and ensures timely communication with your customers. Most email marketing services offer automation features such as:

  1. Welcome Series: Automatically send a series of welcome emails to new subscribers.
  2. Abandoned Cart Recovery: Set up automated emails to remind customers of abandoned carts.
  3. Post-Purchase Follow-Up: Send thank-you emails, request reviews, or offer product recommendations.
  4. Birthday and Anniversary Emails: Delight customers with special offers on their special days.

7. Analyze and Optimize

Track the performance of your email campaigns to understand what works and what doesn’t. Key metrics to monitor include:

  1. Open Rate: The percentage of recipients who open your email.
  2. Click-Through Rate (CTR): The percentage of recipients who click on links within your email.
  3. Conversion Rate: The percentage of recipients who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase.
  4. Unsubscribe Rate: The percentage of recipients who opt out of your emails.

Use these insights to optimize your subject lines, email content, and overall strategy.


Email marketing is a powerful tool for WooCommerce store owners. By integrating an email marketing service, building a targeted email list, and crafting engaging campaigns, you can drive sales, boost customer loyalty, and grow your business. Start leveraging email marketing with WooCommerce today and watch your online store thrive!

If you need further assistance or have any questions, feel free to reach out. Happy emailing!